Installing Xdeel

To install Xdeel on your server follow the steps below:

  • Open the zip file Xdeel and extract the folder in a server location of your choice.
  • Navigate to the link https://[your-site]/Xdeel/admin.php and complete the installation. Replace [your-site] with your website URL. If you changed the directory name, replace Xdeel with the new directory name.
  • Once the installation is complete, log in with the username and password entered in the previous step and save the addresses of your cryptocurrency wallets in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses.
  • If you are using an integration, complete the installation as explained here.
  • You are done! You can start creating your first checkout.

Minify JS

For performance reasons, you may want to load the minified client.js file: [YOUR-URL]/js/client.min.js. Please note that if you contact us for support you will need to load again the non-minified version.

Site migration

If you migrate the script to a new domain or URL you need to edit the config.php file (it's in the Xdeel folder) and update the BXC_URL constant with the new URL.

To install Xdeel on WordPress follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Plugins page and click Add new then Upload plugin and upload the zip file Xdeel
  • Once the installation is complete you should see a new left menu item named Xdeel.
  • Save the addresses of your cryptocurrency wallets in Xdeel > Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses.
  • If you are using WooCommerce complete the installation as explained here.
  • If you are using Easy Digitial Downloads complete the installation as explained here.
  • If you are using an integration, complete the installation as explained here.
  • You are done! You can start creating your first checkout.

The cloud version requires no installation. You just have to copy and paste the embed code, or you can use the direct payment link. If you include multiple checkouts on the same page, please note that you only need to include the <script id="Xdeel" src=""></script> script code portion of the embed code once.

  • If you are using WooCommerce complete the installation as explained here.
  • If you are using Easy Digitial Downloads complete the installation as explained here.
  • If you are using a integration, complete the installation as explained here.


To increase the security of Xdeel you can create a whitelist of approved cryptocurrency addresses. Checkout addresses and any transfer of funds will be blocked if the address is not whitelisted. To create the whitelist, edit the config.php file in the Xdeel installation directory and add the constant define('BXC_WHITELIST', []), the value must be an array containing all the addresses saved in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses, e.g. define('BXC_WHITELIST', ["bc1qnggf72xfeh8as54", "DEqc4RNjKOdkl0xHH"]).

  • This security measure is not required if you are using the cloud version.
  • Once the constant is declared, all addresses from Settings > Cryptocurrency Addresses must be included.
  • This security check is skipped for the checkout address if the address is dynamically generated via Gemini, Coinbase, Custom explorer or other functions.
  • The address verification is performed in the following cases: to verify the checkout payment address, to verify the address of a transfer on your wallet.
  • If the address verification fails, an error will be displayed in the browser console.
  • Address verification fails if the address saved in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses is not found in the BXC_WHITELIST constant.

Required API keys

The following cryptocurrencies require an API key to work.


  • Your web project must support HTML and PHP, and pages containing a checkout must be opened via a web browser.
  • You cannot display the checkout on a HTML page opened directly on a local computer. Use a local server like Xampp instead.
  • Your server must allow the access of the following file: Xdeel/ajax.php
  • If you're using the WordPress version of Xdeel and you have any security plugins installed, please make sure that they don't block the Xdeel/ajax.php file.
  • PHP 7.4+
  • The following PHP extensions are required: CURL, ZIP ARCHIVE, GD extension.
  • The following PHP extensions are optional but some optional Xdeel feature requires them: GMP.
  • MySQL - The SQL mode "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY", and the setting "ANSI_QUOTES", must be disabled.
  • PHP modules: gmp, zip archive, cors. All required PHP modules should already be active by default.

Creating your first checkout

  • Create the checkout from the Checkouts area or via code.
  • Insert the Embed code on your website page, in the position where you want to show it.
  • Include the following script into the <head></head> or <footer></footer> area of the page where the checkout is shown. Include it only once per page (also if there are multiple checkouts on the same page). Replace [YOUR-URL] with the URL of your Xdeel installation, e.g.
    <script id="Xdeel" src="[YOUR-URL]/js/client.js"></script>
  • If you are not using an integration, use the webhook to validate and finalize the purchase. For security reasons you should always validate the purchase via webhook. Use the redirect checkout option to redirect the customer to a new page after the purchase is complete. Use the JS event BXCTransactionCompleted to execute a JS code after the purchase is complete. See the JS events for more details.
  • Create the checkout from WordPress left menu > Xdeel > Checkouts or via code.
  • Insert the checkout shortcode into the page of your website where you want to show it.
  • Create the checkout from the Checkouts area or via code.
  • Insert the Embed code on your website page, in the position where you want to show it.
  • If you are not using an integration, use the webhook to validate and finalize the purchase. For security reasons you should always validate the purchase via webhook. Use the redirect checkout option to redirect the customer to a new page after the purchase is complete. Use the JS event BXCTransactionCompleted to execute a JS code after the purchase is complete. See the JS events for more details.


  • To understand how Xdeel detect the payments see the address generation section.
  • The checkout page should not be closed before the payment is completed. If it's closed, the cron job function will still check payments but you should set it to run from your server, more details here.


  • To update Xdeel, click the button Settings > Updates > Update now.
  • You can also activate automatic updates via Settings > Updates > Automatic updates.
  • To enable updates you need to have a valid Envato purchase code.
  • If you're using the WordPress version of Xdeel, keep in mind that you cannot update Xdeel from the WordPress plugins page.

Manual updates

To manually update Xdeel, download it again from CodeCanyon and replace all the files of your installation with the new files from the downloaded CodeCanyon package.

Having Problems?

If you're having any issues at all, please contact our friendly support team at Before contacting us, please make sure that your server has all the requirements listed above. On that same note, if you are using the WordPress version, please make sure that your WordPress installation has all the requirements listed above.

Payment not detected - Pending transaction

If you have sent a cryptocurrency payment and Xdeel does not detect it (pending transaction), the most common reasons are as follows.

  • The checkout page has been closed. The checkout page should not be closed before the payment is completed. If it's closed, the cron job function will still check payments but you should set it to run from your server, more details here.
  • The amount sent is different from the one shown by Xdeel. If the address is not dynamically generated, the amount sent must be the exact amount shown by Xdeel or the payment will not be detected. Enable the generation of dynamic addresses to also accept amounts higher than the one shown by Xdeel.
  • The transaction is pending or has not been sent to the blockchain. Make sure the transaction is valid and has been sent. Use external websites like to check it.
  • The service or wallet from which you sent the transaction is not working properly. Send the transaction from a personal wallet, not from an exchange. Transactions made from exchanges can create troubles and are not advised.
  • Never use exchange addresses to receive payments, always use addresses from a personal wallet.
  • Ensure that you are sending the funds to the main network and not to a testnet network. Alternatively, if you are in testnet mode, confirm that you are sending the funds to the correct testnet network.

WooCommerce order is not marked as completed

If you Xdeel show the payment as completed, but the WooCommerce order is still pending. Check all of the following.

  • Disable all security plugins and try again.
  • Make sure you are not blocking access to WordPress REST API.

Cross-domain configuration

If you want to show checkouts on domains other than the installation domain, including subdomains, your server must allow cross-origin requests. To enable cross-origin requests on your server, do the following:

Cross-domain configuration via server

  • For Apache servers — Edit the .htaccess file of the domain where the plugin is installed and enter the code <IfModule mod_headers.c="">header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');</IfModule> at the very top of the file. To make it works you need to have at least AllowOverride +FileInfo or AllowOverride All in the Apache config.
  • For nginx servers — Edit the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf of the domain where the plugin is installed and enter the code add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; at the very top of the file. If you're using Plesk go to Domains > > Apache and nginx settings > Additional nginx directives and insert
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';.
  • For OpenLiteSpeed servers — Visit

You can view tutorials for the most common server administration software in the list below:

Cross-domain configuration via PHP

If none of the previous solutions work or you can't change the server settings, follow the steps below:

  • Edit the file Xdeel/config.php and enter the code define('BXC_CROSS_DOMAIN', true); at the end of the file.
  • Upload the following folder into your destination domain(the domain where the checkout should be shown, not the one where Xdeel is installed): Xdeel/media/fonts. You can upload the files where you want, for example, If the checkouts are loaded on multiple domains upload the files on each domain.
  • Edit again the file Xdeel/config.php and insert the code define('BXC_CROSS_DOMAIN_URL', 'YOUR-URL'); at the end of the file. Replace YOUR-URL with the URL that points to the files you just uploaded, for example, If the checkouts are loaded on multiple domains replace YOUR-URL with the an array of URLs, for example, ["", ""].

Hide admin.php from URL

By default, the admin URL is something like You can hide the admin.php part of the URL and make it like by inserting the following code in your .htaccess file:

                                    <ifmodule mod_dir.c> DirectoryIndex admin.php</ifmodule>

Reset username or password of the admin account

If you can no longer log in to the admin area, you can reset your password and username by following the steps below:

  • Edit Xdeel/config.php.
  • To change username, change the value of the constant BXC_USER.
  • To change your password, change the value of the constant BXC_PASSWORD. The new password must be saved as a hash. To generate an hash for your password visit
  • Warning Changing login details will make settings encrypted with the old password unrecoverable, including addresses generated via nodes and their private keys. If you don't know the old login data and the password hash, you won't be able to recover the data in the future. The password hash can be found in the config.php file of the Xdeel folder.

If you're using the WordPress version, you can also delete the config.php file and Xdeel will generate it again on reload.


Address generation

Single address

By default, Xdeel use the single address set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses for all transactions in the same cryptocurrency. More details below.

  • Xdeel detect the payment from its cryptocurrency amount, in which case, the amount is always unique for each transaction.
  • The amount always changes less than 0.02% of the original amount.
  • The user must submit the exact amount shown by Xdeel or the payment will not be detected.

Address generation

When using this feature Xdeel generates a new and unique cryptocurrency address for each transaction. More details below.

  • You can activate address generation via address list, nodes, Gemini, Coinbase, custom explorer.
  • The transaction amount for the same FIAT amout remains the same.
  • If the user sends an amount different from the one show by Xdeel(partial payment) the transaction is still recognized but is completed only if the amount is equal or more than the requested amount. If the amount is less than the requested amount, and the setting Settings > Accept transactions with underpayments is not active, the following happen:
    • The transaction status is set to Underpayment.
    • The amount sent and what remains to be sent are saved in the description of the transaction, view it from the Transactions area. Open the transaction menu to view the full description.
    • The user sees a message showing that there is an underpayment. You can customize the message from Settings > Payment form texts.
    • The webhook is not sent.
    • The TransactionCompleted JS event is not sent.
    • In case of WooCommerce, or with other integrations, the purchase is not completed.
  • You can activate multiple address generation methods and use them as backup methods if one method fails. The priority is as follow:
    • 1. Nodes - Address generation via node has priority and if active is always used first.
    • 2. Custom explorer
    • 3. Address list
    • 4. Coinbase and Gemini - They are used only as last option.
  • The number of decimals is limited to 2 if the cryptocurrency of the transaction is a stablecoin.

Address list

This method generates the address using a list of addresses manually set by you.

  • You have to add at least 3 addresses to activate the address generation.
  • Add the addresses in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses, separate addresses by comma.
  • The first address is reserved and used only if no more addresses are available, in this case the single address method is used.
  • If you use the whitelist function, you need to add all the addresses in the whitelist.
  • An address can be used again 24 hours after the last outstanding transaction or immediately after completing the transaction or if a transaction has been canceled. Your can stop the reusing addresses after 24 hours by checking Settings > Stop reusing addresses.
  • The Xdeel balance section controls only the first address.


Webhooks are automated data sent from Xdeel to a URL set by you when something happens. Use the webhook to validate and finalize the purchase. For security reasons you should always validate the purchase via webhook. You must be a developer and know how to coding to setup the webhook.

How to validate a purchase

  • In Settings > Webhook > Webhook URL enter the destination URL. Xdeel will send the data to this URL. The URL must point to a file that read the data received, with PHP, you can use the code below to read the data.
    $response = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
  • In Settings > Webhook > Webhook secret key enter a secret password of your choice. The password will be included in all webhook calls (see key value in the example below). Use it to verify that the webhook is sent by Xdeel and not someone else.
  • Save the changes. Xdeel will now start sending the below data when a payment is complete. To validate the transaction you must check that the value of the key status is equal to C. If the transaction was made from a dynamic checkout, you must also verify that the transaction amount_fiat value is correct and eqaual to the price amount of the purchased item.
        "key": "123456789",
        "transaction": {
            "id": "231",
            "title": "My checkout title",
            "description": "My checkout description",
            "from": "0xeb2629a2734e272bcc07bda959863f316f4bd4cf",
            "to": "0xcc1486157C47c4B76fe097fDD48c3CEDB20d01B6",
            "hash": "0x3c437c3245999087d8e0276e73f9411f0e593ccd5ed1feacb032724a8980a606",
            "amount": "0.001",
            "amount_fiat": "0.1",
            "cryptocurrency": "eth",
            "currency": "eur",
            "external_reference": "",
            "creation_time": "2022-04-14 10:00:00",
            "status": "C",
            "webhook": "1"
            "vat": {"amount":"0.33","percentage":"22","country":"Italy","country_code":"IT"}


  • The webhook sent when a payment is confirmed is only ever sent 1 time.

Dynamic checkouts

To create checkouts by HTML code place the code below into the web page where you want to show the checkout.

<div data-Xdeel="custom-123" data-price=""></div>


You can create a checkout page on the fly via the URL below. Replace [your-site] with your website URL. If you changed the directory name, replace Xdeel with the new directory name. For added security you can encrypt the parameter external_reference with the PHP API function bxc_encryption(). Use the URL paremeter lang=LANGUAGE_CODE to change language.


WordPress shortcode

If you are using the WordPress version you can also use the following shortcode.

[Xdeel id="custom-123" price="" description="" type="inline"]


If you are using the WordPress shortcode or the URL method remove the prefix data- from all attributes.

Attribute Description
The checkout ID. It must starts with custom-.
The price amount.
Enter the string you want, it will be sent via webhook and as a redirect URL parameter.
Redirect the user to a specific URL after the purchase is complete.
The checkout currency. Default: Settings > Currency.
Set the checkout type. Available options: inline, link, popup, hidden Default: inline.
Add a note to the transaction. The note must be base 64 encoded. The note will be visible in the transaction details.
Force the user to pay with a specific cryptocurrency. Available options: the cryptocurrency code, e.g. btc.

Warning Security measure

When using dynamic checkouts without encrypting attributes you must validate the payment via webhook and verify that the transaction amount_fiat value is correct and eqaual to the price amount of the purchased item.


Add custom translations

You can add custom translations to translate the strings of Settings > Payment form texts.

  • Include a file named translations.json into the Xdeel root directory. Download example here.
  • The content of the file is a JSON array like the one below. Replace LANGUAGE-CODE with the two-letters language code you would like to use. Get the language codes list here. Replace English string with the strings entered in Settings > Payment form texts, the strings must be in English and exactly the same. Replace Translation with the string translation.
                                              "LANGUAGE-CODE": {
                                                "English string": "Translation",
                                                "English string": "Translation",
                                              "LANGUAGE-CODE": {
                                                "English string": "Translation",
                                                "English string": "Translation",

Manually set the checkout language

You can force the checkout language via URL paramenter and JS variable. To set the language via URL parameter append the attribute ?lang=LANGUAGE-CODE to the client.js script link, e.g. <script id="Xdeel" src="[YOUR-URL]/js/client.js?lang=it"></script>. To set the language via JS variable insert the JS code <script>var BXC_LANGUAGE = "LANGUAGE-CODE";</script> into the checkout page, before the client.js script. Also, Settings > Languages > Payment form language must be set to Default.


  • Both admin-side and client-side are multilingual. You can set the languages from Settings > Languages.
  • If the language is set to multilingual the language will be the browser language of the user.
  • To check the checkout language you must be logged out. If you are logged in as an administrator, log out or open the payment page from another browser or use the browser's private / incognito window.
  • If you are using the WordPress version and your website is multilingual, Xdeel will use the active page language if Settings > Languages > Payment form language is set to Default. If you are using WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, you need WPML or Polylang to redirect the user to the payment page in the correct language.

Custom tokens

You can add unlimited ERC-20 and BEP-20 tokens and start accepting payments with them.

Unlisted token

If your token is not listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges, Xdeel cannot get your token's FIAT exchange rate. To solve this issue set the USD exchange rate of your token(set how much is the USD value of 1 token) in Settings > Custom token > USD exchange rate. To retrieve the exchange rate dynamically, input the URL in the Settings section under Custom token. The URL should directly provide the USD exchange rate when accessed using the HTTP GET method. For instance, refer to this example:

Listed token

If your token is listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges, enter all the required information in Settings > Custom token and you are done.


  • The setting Token code must contain the code of your token, it must be lowercase and without spaces or symbols, e.g. btc, eth.


Connect Xdeel to a node to enable powerful features such as address generation or transfer in a completely decentralized way, without using any third-party services. The cloud version doesn't support the following features because we don't manage the wallet keys for you, please use the PHP or WP version if you want to use those features: transfer to address, instant conversion.


  • In Node URL enter the URL of your node. The URL should contain the authentication details, e.g. http://user:pass@
  • In Node headers enter any additional headers required for authentication. Use the following syntax: key:value,key:value,....
  • See the nodes as a service section for a list of ready-to-use node providers.

Address generation

This feature generate a new and unique cryptocurrency address for each transaction.

  • Once the payment is received, it is transferred to the node transfer address, if set, otherwise to the corrispong address set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses. The amount will be less than the received amount because of the network fee spent for the transfer.
  • Generated addresses are reused 24 hours after the last payment. We do this for performance reasons and to save you money when using Ethereum.
  • For more details see the address generation section.
  • Warning Changing your Xdeel login details could result in loss of funds, if there are locked funds in the generated addresses. More details here.

Address generation via Xpub - Bitcoin only

Address generation via Xpub is another way to generate Bitcoin addresses. It's more secure and generates fewer fees, but it's more complex to use.

  • To enable the address generation simply enter the xpub key.
  • The default address generation method supports alzo zpub and ypub keys. Address generation via node only supports xpub keys. If you only get the zpub key, convert it to an xpub key with a tool like (download it and open the file index.html).
  • Node address generation uses your node and the Bitcoin REST API to generate the address. Use it if your wallet doesn't support the address generated via the default method.
  • You can get the xpub key from your wallet settings. All major non-custodial wallets like Electrum and Exodus can show it. It is recommended to use Electrum. Get the key from Wallet > Information.
  • It's more secure because Xdeel doesn't need any private keys to generate the addresses and only your wallet can access the funds sent to the generated addresses.
  • Generate fewer fees because there is no need to transfer the amount from the generated address to your main address.
  • If the Settings > Bitcoin Node > Transfer to address option is active, address generation via xpub is automatically disabled. Xdeel does this because it doesn't have access to funds.
  • Warning Not all wallets support the address generated via xpub by Xdeel. Test with a small amount and see if your wallet shows the amount. If it doesn't show, your money can be recovered with your private keys but we don't provide any help for that. The support does not cover it. The Electrum wallet is compatible with Xdeel addresses generated via xpub.
  • Warning Because as xpub works, your wallet may stop checking addresses after 20 consecutive addresses with no balance. When testing, make sure you don't generate more than 20 addresses without sending any money to any of them.

Transfer to address

This feature automatically transfers the amount of cryptocurrency sent by the user to the dynamically generated address to an address set by you.

  • If node address generation is enabled, Xdeel will automatically manage and use the private keys of the generated addresses to perform the transfer.
  • If node address generation is not enabled, you need to enter the wallet private key in Settings > Wallets. The private key must be that of the wallet of the address set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses.
    Warning We strongly recommend using a wallet with low or no balance to avoid risking losing all your money! Don't use your main wallet. Use a new dedicated wallet, just for Xdeel.
  • Xdeel will attempt to make the transfer even if the address balance is not sufficient to cover the network fee. In that case the amount sent will be balance - fee cost and the balance of the address after the transfer will be zero or near zero in the case of Ethereum.

Transfer to address - Ethereum only

  • If the payment received is not in ETH but in another token such as USDT or USDC, Xdeel will send a small amount of ETH to the newly generated address to cover the network fee of the transfer.
  • Since it is currently not possible to accurately estimate the network fee, a small amount of funds will be locked in the newly generated addresses. Xdeel minimizes the locked amount by reusing the generated addresses every 24 hours.
  • Warning Token transfer is currently expensive and could significantly reduce your earnings if the amount transferred is small.

Instant conversion - Ethereum only

This feature automatically converts the user-submitted cryptocurrency amount into another cryptocurrency such as USDT or USDC each time a transaction is completed.

  • To enable this feature you must enter the private key of your wallet in Settings > Wallets. The private key must be the one of the wallet of the address set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses.
    Warning We strongly advise using a wallet with low or zero balance to avoid risking losing all your money! Do not use your main wallet. Use a new, dedicated wallet, only for Xdeel.
  • This feature is powered by Uniswap.
  • If this function is active, the transfer function is disabled.
  • Only ETH and ETH ERC-20 tokens are supported.
  • Warning Token conversion is currently very expensive and will significantly reduce your earnings.


More details about the refunds feature here.

Nodes as a service

Running your own node can be challenging. There are a number of services that run optimized node infrastructures for you, so you can focus on developing your application or product instead. The list below contains node providers that we have already tested with Xdeel.

Service Setup

Lightning Network

Connect Xdeel to a Lightning Network node to start accepting Bitcoin payments on the Lightning Network.


  • In Node URL enter the URL of your Lightning Network node.
  • In Macaroon enter your admin Macaroon in hex format.
  • In Node headers enter any additional headers required for authentication. Use the following syntax: key:value,key:value,....
  • See the nodes as a service section for a list of ready-to-use node providers.


  • Only LND nodes are supported. Details here.
  • If the invoice generation fails (for example because there is not enough remote balance), the Xdeel checkout goes back to the cryptocurrency list, informs the user of a problem and asks to use another cryptocurrency.
  • Enable Settings > Email notifications > Lightning Network error to get notified by email when invoice generation fails.
  • You can use Boltz to get remote balance.

Nodes as a service

Running your own Lightning Network node can be challenging. There are a number of services that run optimized node infrastructures for you, so you can focus on developing your application or product instead. The list below contains node providers that we have already tested with Xdeel.

Service Setup
  • Visit and create a new node, or open an existing node.
  • As Node URL enter your API Endpoint.
  • Get the Macaroon from Connect > Admin Macaroon (hex).


Use Gemini to enable powerful features like address generation or instant currency conversion.


  • Enter Gemini > Settings > API or visit
  • Click Create API key and as Scope select Primary, under API key settings check Found management, Trading, Require session heartbeat.
  • Copy API key and API Secret and paste them in Xdeel > Settings > Gemini.
  • In Gemini click Create API key.

Address generation

This feature generate a new and unique cryptocurrency address for each transaction. To use it, you just have to activate it, no configuration is needed. For more details see the address generation section.

Transfer to address

This feature automatically transfers the cryptocurrency amount sent by the user to the dynamically generated address to the addresses set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses every time a transaction is completed.

  • To increase the security of this feature use the Xdeel whitelist.
  • This function is active only if the address generation function is active.
  • The destination addresses are those saved in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses, you need to add all these addresses to the Gemini whitelist, do it from Gemini > Settings > Approved addresses or got to
  • If the instant conversion function is active, this function is disabled.

Instant conversion

This feature automatically convert the cryptocurrency amount sent by the user to USD, EURO, GBP or other currencies every time a transaction is completed.

  • Select GUSD only if you accept payment in BTC and ETH only. Conversion to GUSD is supported only with BTC and ETH.
  • If this function is active, the transfer function is disabled.

Sandbox account

Check this box if you are using the Gemini sandbox account for testing purposes.

  • Create a sandbox account from
  • The sandbox account is not compatible with the address generation feature.
  • The sandbox account is not compatible with the transfer feature.
  • Bitcoin BTC is the only supported cryptocurrency when using a sandbox account.


Use Coinbase to enable powerful features like address generation or instant currency conversion.


  • Enter Coinbase > Settings > API or visit
  • Click Create API key and select all Accounts, then select the following Permissions: wallet:accounts:read, wallet:addresses:create, wallet:transactions:send, wallet:sells:create.
  • Copy API key and API Secret and paste them in Xdeel > Settings > Coinbase.
  • In Coinbase click Create API key.

Address generation

This feature generate a new and unique cryptocurrency address for each transaction. To use it, you just have to activate it, no configuration is needed. For more details see the address generation section.

Transfer to address

This feature automatically transfers the cryptocurrency amount sent by the user to the dynamically generated address to the addresses set in Settings > Cryptocurrency addresses every time a transaction is completed.

  • To increase the security of this feature use the Xdeel whitelist.
  • This function is active only if the address generation function is active.
  • If the instant conversion function is active, this function is disabled.

Instant conversion

This feature automatically convert the cryptocurrency amount sent by the user to your main Coinbase FIAT currency (e.g. USD) every time a transaction is completed.

  • If this function is active, the transfer function is disabled.


More details about the refunds feature here.


Use PayPal to start accepting payments via PayPal. To get started, follow the steps below.

  • Enter the PayPal email of the account that will receive the payments in Xdeel > Settings > PayPal > PayPal email.
  • From the top right profile menu click Account Settings > Website payments > Website preferences ( and set the Auto return for website payments to on. Enter http://# as URL.



Use Stripe to start accepting credit or debit card payments. To get started using Stripe, follow the steps below.

  • Register a Stripe account at
  • Activate your account at
  • Visit and add an end point, in Endpoint URL enter https://Xdeel-URL/stripe.php, replace Xdeel-URL with the URL of your Xdeel installation, e.g. If you are using the cloud version, enter Listen for the following events: checkout.session.completed.
  • Create a new product from and copy the Product ID, e.g. prod_MAxqp5jYGKu2Sx, paste it in Xdeel > Settings > Stripe > Product ID. With Xdeel, a single product is utilized for all your sales, automatically applying the appropriate sale price. The product title should be generic, such as "Crypto Payment".
  • Get the secret key from
  • Mind that the amount must be greater than 1 USD ot Stripe may not work.
  • Mind that in localhost the transaction will not be marked as completed because the Stripe webhook can not be received.


  • Activate Stripe Tax if you are using the Stripe Tax service.


Use Verifone (formerly 2Checkout) to start accepting credit or debit card payments. To get started using Verifone, follow the steps below.


  • Invoices are not available for pending transactions.
  • Invoices are deleted after 24 hours for security reasons. Administrators and users can re-generate them at a later time.
  • The invoice generation link is https://Xdeel-URL/pay.php?invoice=ENCRYPTED-TRANSACTION-ID, replace Xdeel-URL with the URL of your Xdeel installation and ENCRYPTED-TRANSACTION-ID with the encrypted transaction ID, e.g. Encrypt the transaction ID with the PHP API function bxc_encryption(), the REST API function encryption, or the JS AJAX API function encryption. Add the URL attribute download to show directly the PDF.


  • If you enable VAT validation you need to create an account at and enter the API key in Settings > VAT > Vatsense API key. This is a paid service but you have 100 free validations per month.
  • Once checked, all VAT numbers, even the invalid ones, are saved in the Xdeel database and excluded from any future verification.
  • To deduct the VAT amount for valid VAT numbers, it is necessary to enable VAT validation.
  • VAT is automatically calculated based on the user's IP address.
  • VAT is only shown if the IP address is from a VAT-applying country.
  • If VAT is enabled, your webhook must verify that the value is equal to or greater than the original value.
  • If the invoice is enabled and the user changes the country of the invoice, the VAT country changes accordingly.
  • The VAT amount is shown on the PDF invoice.
  • The VAT rates are provided by and are updated periodically.
  • VAT details are sent in the webhook and in the TransactionCompleted JavaScript event.
  • VAT details are visible in the transaction details.
  • VAT does not need to be enabled for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download purchases because it is handled by WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download.

Custom Blockchain explorer

You can use a custom Blockchain explorer to analyze the blockchains and generate a new payment address for each transaction. To do that, follow the steps below. If you want to generate a new address for each transaction you can use


  • In Settings > Custom Blockchain explorer enter the URLs to get the balance of your addresses (Balance URL), single transaction details (Transaction URL), list of the latest transactions (Transactions URL) and to activate the option that generate a new payment address for each transaction (Address generator URL). The base URLs must be the same for all cryptocurrencies, you must use the keyword {N} to automatically change the network URL part, {N} will be automatically replaced by btc, eth, doge based on the active cryptocurrency. Use {N2} to use bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin instead. Use the keyword {R} to automatically set the address or transaction ID of the active Xdeel transaction. For example, the URL{N}/mainnet/api?module=account&action=balance&address={R} will become something like for Bitcoin balance and for Ethereum balance.
  • In Balance path, Transaction paths, Transactions paths, Address generator path enter the JSON array paths of the values to get. Use the following syntax:
    key>subkey>..., key>subkey>..., ...
    For example the Balance path of the following JSON response is result.
       "message": "OK",
       "result": "99639645964023592",
       "status": "1"
  • In Transactions paths enter the JSON array paths to get the following values: transactions list path, transaction time in unix format, transaction address, transaction amount, number of confirmations, transaction hash. The paths must respect this exact order. For example, the Transaction paths value of the following JSON response is result,timeStamp,from,value,confirmations,hash.
        "message": "OK",
        "result": [{
            "blockHash": "0x06e8ae18e4e324d6efd438f95bfc532bab21680d852a6ac6e67021ce1227d8c5",
            "blockNumber": "14659898",
            "confirmations": "152333",
            "contractAddress": "",
            "cumulativeGasUsed": "29939474",
            "from": "0xeb2629a2734e272bcc07bda959863f316f4bd4cf",
            "gas": "21000",
            "gasPrice": "58000000000",
            "gasUsed": "21000",
            "hash": "0x3c437c3245999087d8e0276e73f9411f0e593ccd5ed1feacb032724a8980a606",
            "input": "0x",
            "isError": "0",
            "nonce": "5461738",
            "timeStamp": "1650972559",
            "to": "0xcc1486157c47c4b76fe097fdd48c3cedb20d01b6",
            "transactionIndex": "466",
            "txreceipt_status": "1",
            "value": "1000000000000000"
        }, {
            "blockHash": "0x0788ae1854e424d6efd438f95456ab21680d852a6ac6781ce12536d32",
            "blockNumber": "14659899",
            "confirmations": "152350",
            "contractAddress": "",
            "cumulativeGasUsed": "28939460",
            "from": "0xeb2629a2734e272bcc07bda959863f316f4bd4cf",
            "gas": "21000",
            "gasPrice": "58000000000",
            "gasUsed": "21000",
            "hash": "0x3c437c3245999087d8e0276e73f9411f0e593ccd5ed1feacb032724a8980a606",
            "input": "0x",
            "isError": "0",
            "nonce": "5461738",
            "timeStamp": "1650972559",
            "to": "0xcc1486157c47c4b76fe097fdd48c3cedb20d01b6",
            "transactionIndex": "468",
            "txreceipt_status": "1",
            "value": "3000000000000000"
        "status": "1"
  • In Transaction paths enter the JSON array paths to get the following values: transaction time in unix format, transaction address, transaction amount, number of confirmations, transaction hash. The paths must respect this exact order. For example, the Transaction paths value of the following JSON response is result>timeStamp, result>from, result>value, result>confirmations, result>hash.
        "message": "OK",
        "result": {
            "blockNumber": "14651093",
            "confirmations": "161012",
            "from": "0xccaad84ddf373751cceb9c2b5485810381d66972",
            "gasLimit": "260775",
            "gasPrice": "45791434002",
            "gasUsed": "190855",
            "hash": "0x24d6d2dd3992bfea4d0cedad5197a6c8fd291d87b138dba6d31b4ff28d59ac09",
            "next_page_params": null,
            "revertReason": "",
            "success": true,
            "timeStamp": "1650852706",
            "to": "0x7f268357a8c2552623316e2562d90e642bb538e5",
            "value": "173000000000000000"
        "status": "1"
  • Set the setting Settings > Custom Blockchain explorer > Unit type to Satoshi | Wei | Dogecoin if the transactions value/amount is in Satoshi, Wei, Dogecoin. In the examples above the values are in Wei.
  • You can use to test this feature, here the details:
    Unit type Satoshi | Wei | Dogecoin
    Balance URL{N}/mainnet/api?module=account&action=balance&address={R}
    Balance path result
    Transaction URL{N}/mainnet/api?module=transaction&action=gettxinfo&txhash={R}
    Transaction paths result>timeStamp,result>from,result>value,result>confirmations,result>hash
    Transactions URL{N}/mainnet/api?module=account&action=txlist&address={R}
    Transactions paths result,timeStamp,from,value,confirmations,hash


  • All requests are made through the HTTP GET method. The custom explorer must support queries via HTTP GET method.
  • The custom explorer must return data in JSON format.


  • Help setting up your custom explorer is not included in the support. You can hire us, we charge 60$ / hour. Min 30 min.
  • If the custom explorer is down or a query fails the default explores are autoamtiacally used insted.
  • If the generation of a new payment address fails the default address is used instead.
  • If the custom explorer does not support a cryptocurrency you can still use it, the default explorers will be used for the unsupported cryptocurrencies.


Issue a refund from the Transactions area by clicking Issue a refund from the transaction menu.

  • Enable refunds from Settings > Coinbase > Refunds, Settings > Bitcoin node > Refunds, or Settings > Ethereum node > Refunds.
  • Coinbase refunds are supported by almost all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin Node refunds only support Bitcoin refunds, Ethereum node refunds support refunds for Ethereum and all Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies.
  • A cryptocurrency refund is a new transaction sent to the sender address of the original transaction and with the same amount as the original transaction. For this reason, you must have a sufficient balance of the transaction's cryptocurrency to cover the transaction amount.
  • For security reasons, the address to send the refund to and the refund amount are obtained directly from the blockchain and verified with the transaction in the Xdeel database. If the amounts or addresses do not match, an error will be displayed and the refund will not be sent.
  • You can only issue refunds for completed or underpaid transactions.
  • Refunds via nodes have priority over Coinbase.


Testnets allow you to test Xdeel and the exchange add-on without using real money. See the information below to undersatnd how to use them. When using testnet nodes you have to disable the node Address generation option.

Bitcoin Testnet

Wallet Use Electrum in testnet mode. To enable Electrum test mode in Windows, complete the installation and create a shortcut for electrum.exe. Open the shortcut properties window, then open the Shortcut tab and add at the end of the target string the value --testnet.
Getting Testnet Bitcoin

Ethereum Goerli

Wallet Use MetaMask. To enable the Ethereum Goerli network click the top right network label and then click Add network, select the Goerli network.
Getting Goerli ETH


  • Pending transactions older than 48 hours are deleted automatically. You can change the interval from Settings > Exchange rates refresh interval. Once a pending transaction is deleted, the receiving address linked to it will be available again.
  • To disable a cryptocrrency from the payment options remove the cryptocrrency address.
  • Multiple checkouts can be present in the same web page but only one will be active at same time.
  • Xdeel query the blockchain via AJAX every 5 seconds to verify the payment of pending transactions.
  • To test a completed transction multiple times without a real payment add the following attributes to the checkout URL: ?demo=true&amount=[123]&id=[ID]&webhook_key=[key]. Replace [123] with the exact transaction cryptocurrency amount, [ID] with the Xdeel transaction ID, [key] with the Xdeel webhook secret key, this attribute is optional. The blockchain transaction time must be higher than the Xdeel transaction time. If you are using the WordPress version, you have to set the webhook secret key.
  • Add the debug=true attribute to the payment URL or admin URL to enable debugging in the browser console and PHP log.


Xdeel is powered by the free service below. We thank all the services below for offering free and professional services to the crypto community.


Exchange add-on installation

  • If you haven't already, buy and install Xdeel and follow the instructions outlined in the installation section.
  • Download the exchange add-on zip package from CodeCanyon and open it.
  • Open the zip file, extract the exchange folder and upload it to the /apps/ folder of your Xdeel installation.
  • The exchange add-on should be installed and active, verify this by visiting the Xdeel settings area, scroll to the bottom and you should see the exchange settings.
  • Set up your Bitcoin and Ethereum nodes, they are required to allow Xdeel to send the exchanged cryptocurrencies to users. For more details on configuring nodes, click here.
  • Enter your personal Bitcoin and Ethereum wallet keys under Settings > Wallets. They are required to allow Xdeel to send the exchanged cryptocurrencies to users.
  • In order for your users to purchase cryptocurrencies using their credit or debit card, you have to activate either Stripe (more information can be found here) or 2checkout (more details are available here).
  • In order for your users to purchase cryptocurrencies using their PayPal, you have to activate PayPal, more information can be found here.
  • To display the exchange area insert the code below into a page of your website. Replace [YOUR-URL] with the URL of your Xdeel installation, e.g.
    <script id="Xdeel" src="https://[YOUR-URL]/js/client.js"></script>
    <div id="Xdeel-exchange-init"></div>
    See the installation section for more details.

Email notifications


  • To enable the exchange email notifications you have to configure the SMTP settings at Settings > Email notifications.


Low balance Notification sent if the balance of any cryptocurrency is below the threshold value of the Low USD Balance Threshold setting. Xdeel automatically converts the cryptocurrency balance into USD to check if the threshold has been reached. This notification is sent no more than once every 24 hours.
Amount exceeds balance Notification sent if a user attempts to make an exchange for more than the available balance.
Exchange completed Notification sent when an exchange has been successfully completed.
Exchange failed Notification sent if an exchange can not be completed due to an error.

Identity verification

ComplyCube setup

  • Create a free account at
  • Create an API key from the developers area ( and paste it into Xdeel > Settings > Identity verification > ComplyCube API key.
  • When ComplyCube is in test mode, you can verify identity by uploading any document and using any image. The verification will always be successful.

Email verification

  • The email is verified via OTP method. To enable it you have to configure the SMTP settings at Settings > Email notifications.


  • The Minimum Amount setting must be a USD, however it works for any currency. Xdeel automatically converts any currency to USD to check the amount.
  • You can find an exchange transaction from the Xdeel's Transactions area by searching for the checkout ID.



There are two WordPress versions of Xdeel.

  • The on-premise version is available here.
  • The version for Xdeel Cloud is available here.
  • Both versions are compatible with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.


To start accepting cryptocurrency payments in your WooCommerce shop, follow the steps below.

On-premise version

  • Create a new WordPress page and insert the shortcode [Xdeel-pay] into it. Save the URL of the page just created in Xdeel > Settings > WordPress > Payment page URL.
  • From the WordPress administration area go WooCommerce > Settings > Payments activate the Xdeel payment gateway.
  • In Xdeel > Settings > WordPress > Payment page URL enter the checkout page URL and save.

Cloud version

  • Install and activate the plugin
  • From the WordPress administration area go to Settings > Xdeel and enter the required information. Get the Webhook secret key from > Settings > Webhook > Webhook secret key, if it is empty you have to enter whatever key you want. Get the Cloud API key from > Account > API key.
  • From the WordPress administration area go to Settings > Xdeel and copy the Webhook URL, paste it into > Settings > Webhook > Webhook URL.
  • From the WordPress administration area go WooCommerce > Settings > Payments activate the Xdeel payment gateway.


  • Check the option Do not finalize order to prevent a WooCommerce order from being finalized upon payment completion

Easy Digital Downloads

To start accepting cryptocurrency payments in your Easy Digital Downloads shop, follow the steps below.

On-premise version

  • Create a new WordPress page and insert the shortcode [Xdeel-pay] into it. Save the URL of the page just created in Xdeel > Settings > WordPress > Payment page URL.
  • From the WordPress administration area go WooCommerce > Settings > Payments activate the Xdeel payment gateway.
  • In Xdeel > Settings > WordPress > Payment page URL enter the checkout page URL and save.

Cloud version

  • Install and activate the plugin
  • From the WordPress administration area go to Settings > Xdeel and enter the required information. Get the Webhook secret key from Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook secret key. Get the Cloud API key from Xdeel > Account > API key.
  • From the WordPress administration area go to Settings > Xdeel and copy the Webhook URL, paste it into Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook URL.
  • From the WordPress administration area go to Downloads > Settings > Payments and activate the Xdeel payment gateway.


  • Xdeel will save the WooCommerce order ID in the transaction.
  • Xdeel will automatically complete WooCommerce orders that include only downloadable or digital products. Orders containing physical products will be marked as processing but they will not be completed.


To start accepting cryptocurrency payments in your Shopify store, follow the steps below.

  • Open your store settings area and click Apps and sales channels, then click Develop apps.
  • Click Create an app, enter the app name you want, and create the app.
  • Click Configure Admin API scopes and select the following: write_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_assigned_fulfillment_orders, write_orders, read_orders.
  • Open the API credentials tab and click Install app, after the installation copy the API access token and paste it into Xdeel > Settings > Shopify > Access token.
  • In Xdeel > Settings > Shopify > Store URL enter you store URL, e.g.
  • Open again your store settings area and click Checkout and accounts, insert the following code into the Order status page field:
        if (!"cryptocurrency")) {
            let Xdeel_URL = "";
            let Xdeel_PAYMENT_METHOD_TEXT = ["Pay with Crypto"];
            let Xdeel_INTERVAL = setInterval(function () {
                let element = document.getElementsByClassName("payment-method-list__item__info");
                if (element.length) {
                    if (Xdeel_PAYMENT_METHOD_TEXT.includes(element[0].innerHTML)) {
                        document.location = Xdeel_URL + "/pay.php?checkout_id=custom-shopify&price=" + Shopify.checkout.payment_due + "¤cy=" + Shopify.checkout.currency + "&external-reference=shopify_" + Shopify.checkout.order_id + "&redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + "¬e=Shopify Order ID " + Shopify.checkout.order_id
            }, 50);
    Replace with your Xdeel admin URL, without the /admin.php part.
  • Open again your store settings area and click Payments, then click Add manual payment method and Create custom payment method. As Custom payment method name enter Pay with Crypto. You can change "Pay with Crypto" with something else but in such a case you have to replace it also on the code of the previous point. If you add translatons you have to add them in the code of the previous point, e.g. let Xdeel_PAYMENT_METHOD_TEXT = ["Pay with Crypto", "Pagar con Cripto", "ادفع باستخدام Crypto"];.


To start accepting cryptocurrency payments in your WHMCS website, follow the steps below.

  • Download the WHMCS module from
  • Copy and paste the Xdeel.php file into WHMCS\modules\gateway.
  • Copy and paste the callback\Xdeel.php file into your WHMCS\modules\gateways\callback.
  • Enter your WHMCS admin area and at the top-right click the gear icon, then click on Apps and integrations and search for "Xdeel", wait and it should appear in the search results, activate it.
  • Save the URL of your Xdeel admin area in WHMCS > Payment gateway > Xdeel > Xdeel URL. E.g. If you are using the cloud version, the URL is
  • Copy your webhook key from Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook secret key and paste it into WHMCS > Payment gateway > Xdeel > Webhook secret key.
  • Copy the webhook URL from WHMCS > Payment gateway > Xdeel > Webhook URL and paste it into Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook URL.
  • If you are using the cloud version, copy your API key from Xdeel > Account > API key and paste it into WHMCS > Payment Gateways > Xdeel > Cloud API key.

Open Cart

To start accepting cryptocurrency payments in your Open Cart shop, follow the steps below.

  • Download the Open Cart module from the links below:
    Version 3
    Version 4
  • Enter the Open Cart admin area and click Left menu > Extensions > Installer. Click the top-right blue icon to upload the extension.
  • Go to Left menu > Extensions > Extensions, select Payments as extension type and install the Xdeel extension. After the installation is complete click the blue pencil icon Edit to enter the Xdeel settings area.
  • In Xdeel URL enter the URL of your Xdeel admin area. E.g. If you are using the cloud version, the URL is
  • In Webhook key enter the webhook key. Get it from Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook secret key. You can enter any string you want.
  • Copy the webhook URL and paste it into Xdeel > Settings > Webhook > Webhook URL.
  • If you are using the cloud version, copy your API key from Xdeel > Account > API key and paste it into the Cloud API key field.
  • Enable the Xdeel payment gateway and save.


Credit balance

The credit balance represent the fees you pay us for using Xdeel. More details about how it works can be found in the points below.

  • Each transaction is subject to a fee of 0.08%. A transaction worth USD 100 will generate a fee of USD 0.8, for example.
  • When your credit balance goes negative your checkouts are blocked and your customers cannot make payments. For the checkouts to reactivate, credit must be added.
  • In the event that your credit balance is negative and a user attempts to pay, an email is sent to inform you that your checkouts are blocked.
  • Add credit to your account from Settings > Account > Add credit to your account.
  • You will receive an email when your credit balance falls below USD 5. A maximum of one notification will be sent every 7 days.
  • When you register, you will receive a USD 1 credit that allows you to transact for a total of USD 125.